第114章 Chapter IV(24)
1.Autobiography,p.50.the most elaborate attack upon the Liberty is contained in Liberty,Equality and Fraternity (1873),by my brother Sir James FitzJames Stephen,in whose I life I have given an account of the book.I shall not here go into the controversy.I am content to say that,though I cannot agree with my brother,I think that he strikes very forcibly at some weak points in Mill's scheme.The most remarkable point is that the book is substantially a criticism of Mill's from the older Utilitarian point of view.It shows,therefore,how Mill diverged from Bentham.
2.I refer for the Liberty and the Representative Government to the People's Editions of 1867.
6.Liberty (People's Edition,1867),p.3
8.Liberty,17n.The Bradlaugh case showed that the old spirit was not extinct twenty-five years later.
9.See Bain's James Mill,p.304.
11.Liberty,p.21.The excellent Abraham Tucker remarks that if he met 'a person of credit,candour,and understanding.'who denied that two and two made four,he would give him a hearing.
--Light of Nature (1834),p.125.
12.Liberty,pp.25,26.'To become properly acquainted with a truth,'says Novalis (quoted in Carlyle's essay upon him),'we must first have disbelieved and disputed against it.'But Novalis also observed that 'my faith gains infinitely the moment I see it should by some one else.'
16.Note in Liberty Mill's theory that the impulse given at 'three periods'--the Reformation,the last half of the eighteenth century,and the 'Goethean and Fichtean'period in Germany --have made Europe what it is.Yet each 'period'is only the product of the preceding periods.Has Europe owed nothing to the seventeenth century?
17.Subjection of Women,p.6.
18.Dissertations,p.351.So in Subjection of Women (second edition,1869,p.129)he remarks that originality generally presupposes 'elaborate discipline,'and agrees with F.D.Maurice that the most original thinkers are those who know most thoroughly what has been done by their predecessors.
21.Humboldt's Sphere and Duties of Government was translated by Joseph Coulthard in 1854.Though originally written in 1791it did not appear in a complete form till published in the collected edition of his works by his brother Alexander in 1852.The book shows the influence of Kant and Rousseau.Humboldt was at a time a kind of philosophical antimonian objecting to all external law as injurious to spontaneous spiritual development.Marriage should be left to individual contract,because,'where law has imposed no fetters morality most surely binds.'In Bentham's phrase 'external sanctions'weaken the internal.The state should provide 'security,'and leave religion and morality to themselves.Humboldt's philosophy is not Mill's,though on most points the practical application coincides.
22.It would be curious to compare Mill's theory with the very interesting books in which M.Tarde has shown the vast importance of 'imitation'in sociology.
23.Mill,in his Representative Government (p.17),argues that the Hebrew prophets discharged the functions of modern liberty of the press;and that the Jews were therefore the 'most progressive people of antiquity'after the Greeks.Still,their 'culture'was hardly so wide.
25.Political Economy,bk.iv.ch.I,section 2.
26.See chap.v.
27.Representative Government,p.45.
29.Representative Government,p.5.