You were not afraid then of arousing suspicion?""What suspicion? Suspicion or not, I should have galloped here just the same, and shot myself at five o'clock, and you wouldn't have been in time to do anything.If it hadn't been for what's happened to my father, you would have known nothing about it, and wouldn't have come here.Oh, it's the devil's doing.It was the devil murdered father, it was through the devil that you found it out so soon.How did you manage to get here so quick? It's marvellous, a dream!""Mr.Perhotin informed us that when you came to him, you held in your hands...your blood-stained hands...your money...a lot of money...a bundle of hundred-rouble notes, and that his servant-boy saw it too.""That's true, gentlemen.I remember it was so.""Now, there's one little point presents itself.Can you inform us," Nikolay Parfenovitch began, with extreme gentleness, "where did you get so much money all of a sudden, when it appears from the facts, from the reckoning of time, that you had not been home?"The prosecutor's brows contracted at the question being asked so plainly, but he did not interrupt Nikolay Parfenovitch.
"No, I didn't go home," answered Mitya, apparently perfectly composed, but looking at the floor.
"Allow me then to repeat my question," Nikolay Parfenovitch went on as though creeping up to the subject."Where were you able to procure such a sum all at once, when by your own confession, at five o'clock the same day you-""I was in want of ten roubles and pledged my pistols with Perhotin, and then went to Madame Hohlakov to borrow three thousand which she wouldn't give me, and so on, and all the rest of it,"Mitya interrupted sharply."Yes, gentlemen, I was in want of it, and suddenly thousands turned up, eh? Do you know, gentlemen, you're both afraid now 'what if he won't tell us where he got it?' That's just how it is.I'm not going to tell you, gentlemen.You've guessed right.You'll never know," said Mitya, chipping out each word with extraordinary determination.The lawyers were silent for a moment.
"You must understand, Mr.Karamazov, that it is of vital importance for us to know," said Nikolay Parfenovitch, softly and suavely.
"I understand; but still I won't tell you."The prosecutor, too, intervened, and again reminded the prisoner that he was at liberty to refuse to answer questions, if he thought it to his interest, and so on.But in view of the damage he might do himself by his silence, especially in a case of such importance as-"And so on, gentlemen, and so on.Enough! I've heard that rigmarole before," Mitya interrupted again."I can see for myself how important it is, and that this is the vital point, and still Iwon't say."
"What is it to us? It's not our business, but yours..You are doing yourself harm," observed Nikolay Parfenovitch nervously.
"You see, gentlemen, joking apart"- Mitya lifted his eyes and looked firmly at them both- "I had an inkling from the first that we should come to loggerheads at this point.But at first when I began to give my evidence, it was all still far away and misty; it was all floating, and I was so simple that I began with the supposition of mutual confidence existing between us.Now I can see for myself that such confidence is out of the question, for in any case we were bound to come to this cursed stumbling-block.And now we've come to it! It's impossible and there's an end of it! But I don't blame you.
You can't believe it all simply on my word.I understand that, of course."He relapsed into gloomy silence.
"Couldn't you, without abandoning your resolution to be silent about the chief point, could you not, at the same time, give us some slight hint as to the nature of the motives which are strong enough to induce you to refuse to answer, at a crisis so full of danger to you?"Mitya smiled mournfully, almost dreamily.
"I'm much more good-natured than you think, gentlemen.I'll tell you the reason why and give you that hint, though you don't deserve it.I won't speak of that, gentlemen, because it would be a stain on my honour.The answer to the question where I got the money would expose me to far greater disgrace than the murder and robbing of my father, if I had murdered and robbed him.That's why I can't tell you.
I can't for fear of disgrace.What, gentlemen, are you going to write that down?""Yes, we'll write it down," lisped Nikolay Parfenovitch.
"You ought not to write that down about 'disgrace.' I only told you that in the goodness of my heart.I needn't have told you.Imade you a present of it, so to speak, and you pounce upon it at once.
Oh, well, write- write what you like," he concluded, with scornful disgust."I'm not afraid of you and I can still hold up my head before you.""And can't you tell us the nature of that disgrace?" Nikolay Parfenovitch hazarded.
The prosecutor frowned darkly.
"No, no, c'est fini, don't trouble yourselves.It's not worth while soiling one's hands.I have soiled myself enough through you as it is.You're not worth it- no one is.Enough, gentlemen.I'm not going on."This was said too peremptorily.Nikolay Parfenovitch did not insist further, but from Ippolit Kirillovitch's eyes he saw that he had not given up hope.
"Can you not, at least, tell us what sum you had in your hands when you went into Mr.Perhotin's- how many roubles exactly?""I can't tell you that."