But as he gave his evidence it was written down, and therefore they had continually to pull him up.Mitya disliked this, but submitted;got angry, though still good-humouredly.He did, it is true, exclaim, from time to time, "Gentlemen, that's enough to make an angel out of patience!" Or, "Gentlemen, it's no good your irritating me."But even though he exclaimed he still preserved for a time his genially expansive mood.So he told them how Samsonov had made a fool of him two days before.(He had completely realised by now that he had been fooled.) The sale of his watch for six roubles to obtain money for the journey was something new to the lawyers.They were at once greatly interested, and even, to Mitya's intense indignation, thought it necessary to write the fact down as a secondary confirmation of the circumstance that he had hardly a farthing in his pocket at the time.Little by little Mitya began to grow surly.
Then, after describing his journey to see Lyagavy, the night spent in the stifling hut, and so on, he came to his return to the town.
Here he began, without being particularly urged, to give a minute account of the agonies of jealousy he endured on Grushenka's account.
He was heard with silent attention.They inquired particularly into the circumstance of his having a place of ambush in Marya Kondratyevna's house at the back of Fyodor Pavlovitch's garden to keep watch on Grushenka, and of Smerdyakov's bringing him information.They laid particular stress on this, and noted it down.Of his jealousy he spoke warmly and at length, and though inwardly ashamed at exposing his most intimate feelings to "public ignominy," so to speak, he evidently overcame his shame in order to tell the truth.The frigid severity with which the investigating lawyer, and still more the prosecutor, stared intently at him as he told his story, disconcerted him at last considerably.
"That boy, Nikolay Parfenovitch, to whom I was talking nonsense about women only a few days ago, and that sickly prosecutor are not worth my telling this to," he reflected mournfully."It's ignominious.
'Be patient, humble, hold thy peace.'" He wound up his reflections with that line.But he pulled himself together to go on again.When he came to telling of his visit to Madame Hohlakov, he regained his spirits and even wished to tell a little anecdote of that lady which had nothing to do with the case.But the investigating lawyer stopped him, and civilly suggested that he should pass on to "more essential matters." At last, when he described his despair and told them how, when he left Madame Hohlakov's, he thought that he'd "get three thousand if he had to murder someone to do it," they stopped him again and noted down that he had "meant to murder someone." Mitya let them write it without protest.At last he reached the point in his story when he learned that Grushenka had deceived him and had returned from Samsonov's as soon as he left her there, though she had said that she would stay there till midnight.
"If I didn't kill Fenya then, gentlemen, it was only because Ihadn't time," broke from him suddenly at that point in his story.
That, too, was carefully written down.Mitya waited gloomily, and was beginning to tell how he ran into his father's garden when the investigating lawyer suddenly stopped him, and opening the big portfolio that lay on the sofa beside him he brought out the brass pestle.
"Do you recognise this object?" he asked, showing it to Mitya.
"Oh, yes," he laughed gloomily."Of course, I recognise it.Let me have a look at it....Damn it, never mind!""You have forgotten to mention it," observed the investigating lawyer.
"Hang it all, I shouldn't have concealed it from you.Do you suppose I could have managed without it? It simply escaped my memory.""Be so good as to tell us precisely how you came to arm yourself with it.""Certainly I will be so good, gentlemen."And Mitya described how he took the pestle and ran.
"But what object had you in view in arming yourself with such a weapon?""What object? No object.I just picked it up and ran off.""What for, if you had no object?"
Mitya's wrath flared up.He looked intently at "the boy" and smiled gloomily and malignantly.He was feeling more and more ashamed at having told "such people" the story of his jealousy so sincerely and spontaneously.
"Bother the pestle!" broke from him suddenly.
"But still-"
"Oh, to keep off dogs...Oh, because it was dark....In case anything turned up.""But have you ever on previous occasions taken a weapon with you when you went out, since you're afraid of the dark?""Ugh! damn it all, gentlemen! There's positively no talking to you!" cried Mitya, exasperated beyond endurance, and turning to the secretary, crimson with anger, he said quickly, with a note of fury in his voice:
"Write down at once...at once...'that I snatched up the pestle to go and kill my father...Fyodor Pavlovitch...by hitting him on the head with it!' Well, now are you satisfied, gentlemen? Are your minds relieved?" he said, glaring defiantly at the lawyers.
"We quite understand that you made that statement just now through exasperation with us and the questions we put to you, which you consider trivial, though they are, in fact, essential," the prosecutor remarked drily in reply.
"Well, upon my word, gentlemen! Yes, I took the pestle....What does one pick things up for at such moments? I don't know what for.
I snatched it up and ran- that's all.For to me, gentlemen, passons, or I declare I won't tell you any more."He sat with his elbows on the table and his head in his hand.He sat sideways to them and gazed at the wall, struggling against a feeling of nausea.He had, in fact, an awful inclination to get up and declare that he wouldn't say another word, "not if you hang me for it.""You see, gentlemen," he said at last, with difficulty controlling himself, "you see.I listen to you and am haunted by a dream....