But the fact was that he had never known Madame Hohlakov well, and had seen nothing of her for the last month, and that he knew she could not endure him.She had detested him from the first because he was engaged to Katerina Ivanovna, while she had, for some reason, suddenly conceived the desire that Katerina Ivanovna should throw him over, and marry the "charming, chivalrously refined Ivan, who had such excellent manners." Mitya's manners she detested.Mitya positively laughed at her, and had once said about her that she was just as lively and at her ease as she was uncultivated.But that morning in the cart a brilliant idea had struck him: "If she is so anxious I should not marry Katerina Ivanovna" (and he knew she was positively hysterical upon the subject) "why should she refuse me now that three thousand, just to enable me to leave Katya and get away from her for ever.These spoilt fine ladies, if they set their hearts on anything, will spare no expense to satisfy their caprice.Besides, she's so rich," Mitya argued.
As for his "plan" it was just the same as before; it consisted of the offer of his rights to Tchermashnya- but not with a commercial object, as it had been with Samsonov, not trying to allure the lady with the possibility of making a profit of six or seven thousand- but simply as a security for the debt.As he worked out this new idea, Mitya was enchanted with it, but so it always was with him in all his undertakings, in all his sudden decisions.He gave himself up to every new idea with passionate enthusiasm.Yet, when he mounted the steps of Madame Hohlakov's house he felt a shiver of fear run down his spine.At that moment he saw fully, as a mathematical certainty, that this was his last hope, that if this broke down, nothing else was left him in the world but to "rob and murder someone for the three thousand." It was half-past seven when he rang at the bell.
At first fortune seemed to smile upon him.As soon as he was announced he was received with extraordinary rapidity."As though she were waiting for me," thought Mitya, and as soon as he had been led to the drawing-room, the lady of the house herself ran in, and declared at once that she was expecting him.
"I was expecting you! I was expecting you! Though I'd no reason to suppose you would come to see me, as you will admit yourself.Yet, Idid expect you.You may marvel at my instinct, Dmitri Fyodorovitch, but I was convinced all the morning that you would come.""That is certainly wonderful, madam," observed Mitya, sitting down limply, "but I have come to you on a matter of great importance....On a matter of supreme importance for me, that is, madam...for me alone...and I hasten- ""I know you've come on most important business.Dmitri Fyodorovitch; it's not a case of presentiment, no reactionary harking back to the miraculous (have you heard about Father Zossima?).
This is a case of mathematics: you couldn't help coming, after all that has passed with Katerina Ivanovna; you couldn't, you couldn't, that's a mathematical certainty.""The realism of actual life, madam, that's what it is.But allow me to explain-""Realism indeed, Dmitri Fyodorovitch.I'm all for realism now.
I've seen too much of miracles.You've heard that Father Zossima is dead?""No, madam, it's the first time I've heard of it." Mitya was a little surprised.The image of Alyosha rose to his mind.
"Last night, and only imagine-"
"Madam," said Mitya, "I can imagine nothing except that I'm in a desperate position, and that if you don't help me, everything will come to grief, and I first of all.Excuse me for the triviality of the expression, but I'm in a fever-""I know, I know that you're in a fever.You could hardly fail to be, and whatever you may say to me, I know beforehand.I have long been thinking over your destiny, Dmitri Fyodorovitch, I am watching over it and studying it....Oh, believe me, I'm an experienced doctor of the soul, Dmitri Fyodorovitch.""Madam, if you are an experienced doctor, I'm certainly an experienced patient," said Mitya, with an effort to be polite, "and I feel that if you are watching over my destiny in this way, you will come to my help in my ruin, and so allow me, at least to explain to you the plan with which I have ventured to come to you...
and what I am hoping of you....I have come, madam-""Don't explain it.It's of secondary importance.But as for help, you're not the first I have helped, Dmitri Fyodorovitch.You have most likely heard of my cousin, Madame Belmesov.Her husband was ruined, 'had come to grief,' as you characteristically express it, Dmitri Fyodorovitch.I recommended him to take to horse-breeding, and now he's doing well.Have you any idea of horse-breeding, Dmitri Fyodorovitch?""Not the faintest, madam; ah, madam, not the faintest!" cried Mitya, in nervous impatience, positively starting from his seat."Isimply implore you, madam, to listen to me.Only give me two minutes of free speech that I may just explain to you everything, the whole plan with which I have come.Besides, I am short of time.I'm in a fearful hurry," Mitya cried hysterically, feeling that she was just going to begin talking again, and hoping to cut her short."I have come in despair...in the last gasp of despair, to beg you to lend me the sum of three thousand, a loan, but on safe, most safe security, madam, with the most trustworthy guarantees! Only let me explain-""You must tell me all that afterwards, afterwards!" Madame Hohlakov with a gesture demanded silence in her turn, "and whatever you may tell me, I know it all beforehand; I've told you so already.
You ask for a certain sum, for three thousand, but I can give you more, immeasurably more; I will save you, Dmitri Fyodorovitch, but you must listen to me."Mitya started from his seat again.