She turned to ring the bell."I shall not go out this evening; tell the carriage to go and fetch the Signora Marchesa," she said when the maid came.
After the door had closed again Archer continued to look at her with bitter eyes."Why this sacrifice? Since you tell me that you're lonely I've no right to keep you from your friends."She smiled a little under her wet lashes."I shan't be lonely now.I WAS lonely; I WAS afraid.But the emptiness and the darkness are gone; when I turn back into myself now I'm like a child going at night into a room where there's always a light."Her tone and her look still enveloped her in a soft inaccessibility, and Archer groaned out again: "I don't understand you!""Yet you understand May!"
He reddened under the retort, but kept his eyes on her."May is ready to give me up.""What! Three days after you've entreated her on your knees to hasten your marriage?""She's refused; that gives me the right--""Ah, you've taught me what an ugly word that is,"she said.
He turned away with a sense of utter weariness.He felt as though he had been struggling for hours up the face of a steep precipice, and now, just as he had fought his way to the top, his hold had given way and he was pitching down headlong into darkness.
If he could have got her in his arms again he might have swept away her arguments; but she still held him at a distance by something inscrutably aloof in her look and attitude, and by his own awed sense of her sincerity.
At length he began to plead again.
"If we do this now it will be worse afterward--worse for every one--""No--no--no!" she almost screamed, as if he frightened her.
At that moment the bell sent a long tinkle through the house.They had heard no carriage stopping at the door, and they stood motionless, looking at each other with startled eyes.
Outside, Nastasia's step crossed the hall, the outer door opened, and a moment later she came in carrying a telegram which she handed to the Countess Olenska.
"The lady was very happy at the flowers," Nastasia said, smoothing her apron."She thought it was her signor marito who had sent them, and she cried a little and said it was a folly."Her mistress smiled and took the yellow envelope.
She tore it open and carried it to the lamp; then, when the door had closed again, she handed the telegram to Archer.
It was dated from St.Augustine, and addressed to the Countess Olenska.In it he read: "Granny's telegram successful.Papa and Mamma agree marriage after Easter.Am telegraphing Newland.Am too happy for words and love you dearly.Your grateful May."Half an hour later, when Archer unlocked his own front-door, he found a similar envelope on the hall-table on top of his pile of notes and letters.The message inside the envelope was also from May Welland, and ran as follows: "Parents consent wedding Tuesday after Easter at twelve Grace Church eight bridesmaids please see Rector so happy love May."Archer crumpled up the yellow sheet as if the gesture could annihilate the news it contained.Then he pulled out a small pocket-diary and turned over the pages with trembling fingers; but he did not find what he wanted, and cramming the telegram into his pocket he mounted the stairs.
A light was shining through the door of the little hall-room which served Janey as a dressing-room and boudoir, and her brother rapped impatiently on the panel.The door opened, and his sister stood before him in her immemorial purple flannel dressing-gown, with her hair "on pins." Her face looked pale and apprehensive.
"Newland! I hope there's no bad news in that telegram? I waited on purpose, in case--" (No item of his correspondence was safe from Janey.)He took no notice of her question."Look here--what day is Easter this year?"
She looked shocked at such unchristian ignorance.
"Easter? Newland! Why, of course, the first week in April.Why?""The first week?" He turned again to the pages of his diary, calculating rapidly under his breath."The first week, did you say?" He threw back his head with a long laugh.
"For mercy's sake what's the matter?"
"Nothing's the matter, except that I'm going to be married in a month."Janey fell upon his neck and pressed him to her purple flannel breast."Oh Newland, how wonderful!
I'm so glad! But, dearest, why do you keep on laughing?
Do hush, or you'll wake Mamma."
Book II