She wore a long muslin wrapper of lustrous whiteness.Her golden hair, neatly arranged in little plaits, formed two bands, which gave to her sweet face an extremely juvenile air.Her snowy complexion was slightly tinged with rose-color, from the warmth of the perfumed bath, which she used for a few seconds every evening.When she opened the ivory door, and placed her little naked foot, in its white satin slipper, upon the ermine carpet, Adrienne was dazzlingly beautiful.Happiness sparkled in her eyes, and adorned her brow.All the difficulties relative to her union with Djalma had now been removed.In two days she would be his.
The sight of the nuptial chamber oppressed her with a vague and ineffable languor.The ivory door had been opened so gently, the lady's first steps were so soft upon the fur carpet, that Djalma, still leaning against the bed, had heard nothing.But suddenly a cry of surprise and alarm struck upon his ear.He turned round abruptly.Adrienne stood before him.
With an impulse of modesty, Adrienne closed her nightdress over her bosom, and hastily drew back, still more afflicted than angry at what she considered a guilty attempt on the part of Djalma.Cruelly hurt and offended, she was about to reproach him with his conduct, when she perceived the dagger, which he had thrown down upon the ermine carpet.
At sight of this weapon, and the expression of fear and stupor which petrified the features of Djalma, who remained kneeling, motionless, with his body thrown back, hands stretched out, his eyes fixed and wildly staring Adrienne, no longer dreading an amorous surprise, was seized with an indescribable terror, and, instead of flying from the prince, advanced several steps towards him, and said, in an agitated voice, whilst she pointed to the kandjiar, "My friend, why are you here? what ails you?
why this dagger?"
Djalma made no answer.At first, the presence of Adrienne seemed to him a vision, which he attributed to the excitement of his brain, already (it might be) under the influence of the poison.But when the soft voice sounded in his ears--when his heart bounded with the species of electric shock, which he always felt when he met the gaze of that woman so ardently beloved--when he had contemplated for an instant that adorable face, so fresh and fair, in spite of its expression of deep uneasiness--
Djalma understood that he was not the sport of a dream, but that Mdlle.
de Cardoville was really before his eyes.
Then, as he began fully to grasp the thought that Adrienne was not dead, though he could not at all explain the prodigy of her resurrection, the Hindoo's countenance was transfigured, the pale gold of his complexion became warm and red, his eyes (tarnished by tears of remorse) shone with new radiance, and his features, so lately contracted with terror and despair, expressed all the phases of the most ecstatic joy.Advancing, still on his knees, towards Adrienne, he lifted up to her his trembling hands, and, too deeply affected to pronounce a word, he gazed on her with so much amazement, love, adoration, gratitude, that the young lady, fascinated by those inexplicable looks, remained mute also, motionless also, and felt, by the precipitate beating of her heart, and by the shudder which ran through her frame, that there was here some dreadful mystery to be unfolded.
At last, Djalma, clasping his hands together, exclaimed with an accent impossible to describe, "Thou art not dead!"
"Dead!" repeated the young lady, in amazement.
"It was not thou, really not thou, whom I killed? God is kind and just!"
And as he pronounced these words with intense joy, the unfortunate youth forgot the victim whom he had sacrificed in error.
More and more alarmed, and again glancing at the dagger en which she now perceived marks of blood--a terrible evidence, in confirmation of the words of Djalma--Mdlle.de Cardoville exclaimed, "You have killed some one, Djalma! Oh! what does he say? It is dreadful!"
"You are alive--I see you--you are here," said Djalma, in a voice trembling with rapture."You are here--beautiful! pure! for it was not you! Oh, no! had it been you, the steel would have turned back upon myself."
"You have killed some one?" cried the young lady, beside her with this unforeseen revelation, and clasping her hands in horror."Why? whom did you kill?"
"I do not know.A woman that was like you--a man that I thought your lover--it was an illusion, a frightful dream--you are alive--you are here!"
And the oriental wept for joy.
"A dream? but no, it is not a dream.There is blood upon that dagger!"
cried the young lady, as she pointed wildly to the kandjiar."I tell you there is blood upon it!"
"Yes.I threw it down just now, when I took the poison from it, thinking that I had killed you."
"The poison!" exclaimed Adrienne, and her teeth chattered convulsively.
"What poison?"
"I thought I had killed you, and I came here to die."
"To die? Oh! wherefore? who is to die?" cried the young lady, almost in delirium.
"I," replied Djalma, with inexpressible tenderness, "I thought I had killed you--and I took poison."
"You!" exclaimed Adrienne, becoming pale as death."You!"
"Oh! it is not true!" said the young lady, shaking her head.
"Look!" said the Asiatic.Mechanically, he turned towards the bed--
towards the little ivory table, on which sparkled the crystal phial.
With a sudden movement, swifter than thought, swifter, it may be, than the will, Adrienne rushed to the table, seized the phial, and applied it eagerly to her lips.
Djalma had hitherto remained on his knees; but he now uttered a terrible cry, made one spring to the drinker's side, and dragged away the phial, which seemed almost glued to her mouth.