Within one hour after the different scenes which have just been described the most profound silence reigned in the soldier's humble dwelling.A
flickering light, which played through two panes of glass in a door, betrayed that Mother Bunch had not yet gone to sleep; for her gloomy recess, without air or light, was impenetrable to the rays of day, except by this door, opening upon a narrow and obscure passage, connected with the roof.A sorry bed, a table, an old portmanteau, and a chair, so nearly filled this chilling abode, that two persons could not possibly be seated within it, unless one of them sat upon the side of the bed.
The magnificent and precious flower that Agricola had given to the girl was carefully stood up in a vessel of water, placed upon the table on a linen cloth, diffusing its sweet odor around, and expanding its purple calix in the very closet, whose plastered walls, gray and damp, were feebly lighted by the rays of an attenuated candle.The sempstress, who had taken off no part of her dress, was seated upon her bed--her looks were downcast, and her eyes full of tears.She supported herself with one hand resting on the bolster; and, inclining towards the door, listened with painful eagerness, every instant hoping to hear the footsteps of Agricola.The heart of the young sempstress beat violently;
her face, usually very pale, was now partially flushed--so exciting was the emotion by which she was agitated.Sometimes she cast her eyes with terror upon a letter which she held in her hand, a letter that had been delivered by post in the course of the evening, and which had been placed by the housekeeper (the dyer) upon the table, while she was rendering some trivial domestic services during the recognitions of Dagobert and his family.
After some seconds, Mother Bunch heard a door, very near her own, softly opened.
"There he is at last!" she exclaimed, and Agricola immediately entered.
"I waited till my father went to sleep," said the blacksmith, in a low voice, his physiognomy evincing much more curiosity than uneasiness.
"But what is the matter, my good sister? How your countenance is changed! You weep! What has happened? About what danger would you speak to me?"
"Hush! Read this!" said she, her voice trembling with emotion, while she hastily presented to him the open letter.Agricola held it towards the light, and read what follows:
"A person who has reasons for concealing himself, but who knows the sisterly interest you take in the welfare of Agricola Baudoin, warns you.
That young and worthy workman will probably be arrested in the course of to-morrow."
"I!" exclaimed Agricola, looking at Mother Bunch with an air of stupefied amazement."What is the meaning of all this?"
"Read on!" quickly replied the sempstress, clasping her hands.
Agricola resumed reading, scarcely believing the evidence of his eyes:--
"The song, entitled `Working-men Freed,' has been declared libellous.
Numerous copies of it have been found among the papers of a secret society, the leaders of which are about to be incarcerated, as being concerned in the Rue des Prouvaires conspiracy."
"Alas!" said the girl, melting into tears, "now I see it all.The man who was lurking about below, this evening, who was observed by the dyer, was, doubtless, a spy, lying in wait for you coming home."
"Nonsense!" exclaimed Agricola."This accusation is quite ridiculous!
Do not torment yourself.I never trouble myself with politics.My verses breathe nothing but philanthropy.Am I to blame, if they have been found among the papers of a secret society?" Agricola disdainfully threw the letter upon the table.
"Read! pray read!" said the other; "read on."
"If you wish it," said Agricola, "I will; no time is lost."
He resumed the reading of the letter:
"A warrant is about to be issued against Agricola Baudoin.There is mo doubt of his innocence being sooner or later made clear; but it will be well if he screen himself for a time as much as possible from pursuit, in order that he may escape a confinement of two or three months previous to trial--an imprisonment which would be a terrible blow for his mother, whose sole support he is.
"A SINCERE FRIEND, who is compelled to remain unknown."
After a moment's silence, the blacksmith raised his head; his countenance resumed its serenity; and laughing, he said: "Reassure yourself, good Mother Bunch, these jokers have made a mistake by trying their games on me.It is plainly an attempt at making an April-fool of me before the time."
"Agricola, for the love of heaven!" said the girl, in a supplicating tone; "treat not the warning thus lightly.Believe in my forebodings, and listen to my advice."
"I tell you again, my good girl," replied Agricola, "that it is two months since my song was published.It is not in any way political;
indeed, if it were, they would not have waited till now before coming down on me."
"But," said the other, "you forget that new events have arisen.It is scarcely two days since the conspiracy was discovered, in this very neighborhood, in the Rue des Prouvaires.And," continued she, "if the verses, though perhaps hitherto unnoticed, have now been found in the possession of the persons apprehended for this conspiracy, nothing more is necessary to compromise you in the plot."
"Compromise me!" said Agricola; "my verses! in which I only praise the love of labor and of goodness! To arrest me for that! If so, justice would be but a blind noodle.That she might grope her way, it would be necessary to furnish her with a dog and a pilgrim's staff to guide her steps."
"Agricola," resumed Mother Bunch; overwhelmed with anxiety and terror on hearing the blacksmith jest at such a moment, "I conjure you to listen to me! No doubt you uphold in the verses the sacred love of labor; but you do also grievously deplore and deprecate the unjust lot of the poor laborers, devoted as they are, without hope, to all the miseries of life;