I suppose you all, my boys, are looking for some sort of success in life; it is right that you should; but what are your notions of success? To get rich as soon as possible, without regard to the means by which your wealth is acquired?
There is no true success in that: when you have gained millions, you may yet be poorer than when you had nothing; and it is that same reckless ambition which has brought many a bright and capable boy, not to great estate at last, but to miserable failure and disgrace; not to a palace, but to a prison.
Wealth rightly got and rightly used, rational enjoyment, power, fame,-- these are all worthy objects of ambition; but they are not the highest objects, and you may acquire them all without achieving true success.But if, whatever you seek, you put good will into all your actions, you are sure of the best success at last; for whatever else you gain or miss, you are building up a noble and beautiful character, which is not only the best of possessions in this world, but also is about all you can expect to take with you into the next.
I say, good will in all your actions.You are not simply to be kind and helpful to others; but, whatever you do, give honest, earnest purpose to it.Thomas is put by his parents to learn a business.But Thomas does not like to apply himself very closely."What's the use?" he says."I'm not paid much, and I'm not going to work much.I'll get along just as easily as I can, and have as good times as I can."So he shirks his tasks; and instead of thinking about his employer's interests, or his own self-improvement, gives his mind to trifles,--often to evil things, which in their ruinous effects upon his life are not trifles.As soon as he is free from his daily duties, he is off with his companions, having what they call a good time; his heart is with them even while his hands are employed in the shop or store.
He does nothing thoroughly well,--not at all for want of talent, but solely for lack of good will.He is not preparing himself to be one of thoseefficient clerks or workmen who are always in demand, and who receive the highest wages.
There is a class of people who are the pest of every community-- workmen who do not know their trade, men of business ignorant of the first principles of business.They can never be relied upon to do well anything they undertake.They are always making blunders which other people have to suffer for, and which react upon themselves.They are always getting out of employment, and failing in business.
To make up for what they lack in knowledge and thoroughness, they often resort to trick and fraud, and become not merely contemptible, but criminal.Thomas is preparing himself to be one of this class.You cannot, boys, expect to raise a good crop from evil seed.
By Thomas's side works another boy, whom we will call James,--a lad of only ordinary capacity, very likely.If Thomas and all the other boys did their best, there would be but small chance for James ever to become eminent.But he has something better than talent: he brings good will to his work.Whatever he learns, he learns so well that it becomes a part of himself.
His employers find that they can depend upon him.Customers soon learn to like and trust him.By diligence, self-culture, good habits, cheerful and kindly conduct, he is laying the foundation of a generous manhood and a genuine success.
In short, boys, by slighting your tasks you hurt yourself more than you wrong your employer.By honest service you benefit yourself more than you help him.If you were aiming at mere worldly advancement only, I should still say that good will was the very best investment you could make in business.
By cheating a customer, you gain only a temporary and unreal advantage.By serving him with right good will,--doing by him as you would be done by,--you not only secure his confidence, but also his good will in return.But this is a sordid consideration conspired with the inward satisfaction, the glow and expansion of soul which attend a good action done for itself alone.If I were to sum up all I have to say to you in one last word of love and counsel, that one word should be--Good will.
DEFINITIONS:--Character, the sum of qualities which distinguishes one person from another.Purpose, intention, aim.Principles, fixed rules.Capacity, ability, the power of receiving ideas.Sordid, base, meanly avaricious.
EXERCISE.--What is meant by the phrase "to apply himself," in the fourth paragraph? What is meant by "a generous manhood," tenth paragraph? By "expansion of soul," twelfth paragraph? Tell what is meant by "good will," as taught by this lesson.