Hydrophobia may not necessarily be from a bite; a previously-existing wound may be inoculated by the saliva alone, conveyed by licking. Pliny, and some subsequent writers, attributed rabies to a worm under the animal's tongue which they called "lytta." There is said to be a superstition in India that, shortly after being bitten by a mad dog, the victim conceives pups in his belly; at about three months these move rapidly up and down the patient's intestines, and being mad like their progenitor, they bite and bark incessantly, until they finally kill the unfortunate victim. The natives of Nepaul firmly believe this theory. All sorts of curious remedies have been suggested for the cure of hydrophobia. Crabs-claws, Spanish fly, and dragon roots, given three mornings before the new or full moon, was suggested as a specific by Sir Robert Gordon. Theodore De Vaux remarks that the person bitten should immediately pluck the feathers from the breech of an old cock and apply them bare to the bites. If the dog was mad the cock was supposed to swell and die. If the dog was not mad the cock would not swell; in either case the person so treated was immune. Mad-stones, as well as snake-stones, are believed in by some persons at the present day.
According to Curran, at one time in Ireland the fear of hydrophobia was so great that any person supposed to be suffering from it could be legally smothered.
According to French statistics, hydrophobia is an extremely fatal disease, although the proportion of people bitten and escaping without infection is overwhelmingly greater than those who acquire the disease. The mortality of genuine hydrophobia is from 30 to 80 per cent, influenced by efficient and early cauterization and scientific treatment. There is little doubt that many of the cases reported as hydrophobia are merely examples of general systemic infection from a local focus of sepsis, made possible by some primitive and uncleanly treatment of the original wound. There is much superstition relative to hydrophobia; the majority of wounds seen are filled with the hair of the dog, soot, ham-fat, and also with particles of decayed food and saliva from the mouth of some person who has practiced sucking the wound.
Ordinarily, the period of incubation of hydrophobia in man is before the end of the second month, although rarely cases are seen as many as six months from the reception of the bite. The first symptoms of the disease are melancholia, insomnia, loss of appetite, and occasionally shooting pains, radiating from the wound. There may be severe pain at the back of the head and in the neck. Difficulty in swallowing soon becomes a marked symptom.
The speech assumes a sobbing tone, and occasionally the expression of the face is wild and haggard. As regards the crucial diagnostic test of a glass of water, the following account of a patient's attempt to drink is given by Curtis and quoted by Warren: "A glass of water was offered the patient, which he refused to take, saying that he could not stand so much as that, but would take it from a teaspoon. On taking the water from the spoon he evinced some discomfort and agitation, but continued to raise the spoon. As it came within a foot of his lips, he gagged and began to gasp violently, his features worked, and his head shook. He finally almost tossed the water into his mouth, losing the greater part of it, and staggered about the room gasping and groaning. At this moment the respirations seemed wholly costal, and were performed with great effort, the elbows being jerked upward with every inspiration. The paroxysm lasted about half a minute. The act of swallowing did not appear to cause distress, for he could go through the motions of deglutition without any trouble. The approach of liquid toward the mouth would, however, cause distress." It is to be remarked that the spasm affects the mechanism of the respiratory apparatus, the muscles of mastication and deglutition being only secondarily contracted.
Pasteur discovered that the virulence of the virus of rabies could be attenuated in passing it through different species of animals, and also that inoculation of this attenuated virus had a decided prophylactic effect on the disease; hence, by cutting the spinal cord of inoculated animals into fragments a few centimeters long, and drying them, an emulsion could be made containing the virus. The patients are first inoculated with a cord fourteen days old, and the inoculation is repeated for nine days, each time with a cord one day fresher. The intensive method consists in omitting the weakest cords and giving the inoculations at shorter intervals. As a curious coincidence, Pliny and Pasteur, the ancient and modern, both discuss the particular virulence of saliva during fasting.
There is much discussion over the extent of injury a shark-bite can produce. In fact some persons deny the reliability of any of the so-called cases of shark-bites. Ensor reports an interesting case occurring at Port Elizabeth, South Africa. While bathing, an expert swimmer felt a sharp pain in the thigh, and before he could cry out, felt a horrid crunch and was dragged below the surface of the water. He struggled for a minute, was twisted about, shaken, and then set free, and by a supreme effort, reached the landing stairs of the jetty, where, to his surprise, he found that a monstrous shark had bitten his leg off. The leg had been seized obliquely, and the teeth had gone across the joints, wounding the condyles of the femur. There were three marks on the left side showing where the fish had first caught him. The amputation was completed at once, and the man recovered.