Carpenter reports the curious case of an insane man who deliberately bored holes through his skull, and at different times, at a point above the ear, he inserted into his brain five pieces of No. 20 broom wire from 2 1/16 to 6 3/4 inches in length, a fourpenny nail 2 1/4 inches long, and a needle 1 5/8inches long. Despite these desperate attempts at suicide he lived several months, finally accomplishing his purpose by taking an overdose of morphin. MacQueen has given the history of a man of thirty-five, who drove one three-inch nail into his forehead, another close to his occiput, and a third into his vertex an inch in front and 1/4 inch to the left of the middle line. He had used a hammer to effect complete penetration, hoping that death would result from his injuries. He failed in this, as about five weeks later he was discharged from the Princess Alice Hospital at Eastbourne, perfectly recovered. There is a record of a man by the name of Bulkley who was found, by a police officer in Philadelphia, staggering along the streets, and was taken to the inebriate ward of the Blockley Hospital, where he subsequently sank and died, after having been transferred from ward to ward, his symptoms appearing inexplicable. A postmortem examination revealed the fact that an ordinary knife-blade had been driven into his brain on the right side, just above the ear, and was completely hidden by the skin. It had evidently become loosened from the handle when the patient was stabbed, and had remained in the brain several days. No clue to the assailant was found.
Thudicum mentions the case of a man who walked from Strafford to Newcastle, and from Newcastle to London, where he died, and in his brain was found the breech-pin of a gun. Neiman describes a severe gunshot wound of the frontal region, in which the iron breech-block of an old-fashioned muzzle-loading gun was driven into the substance of the brain, requiring great force for its extraction. The patient, a young man of twenty-eight, was unconscious but a short time, and happily made a good recovery. Afew pieces of bone came away, and the wound healed with only a slight depression of the forehead. Wilson speaks of a child who fell on an upright copper paper-file, which penetrated the right side of the occipital bone, below the external orifice of the ear, and entered the brain for more than three inches; and yet the child made a speedy recovery.
Baron Larrey knew of a man whose head was completely transfixed by a ramrod, which extended from the middle of the forehead to the left side of the nape of the neck; despite this serious injury the man lived two days.
Jewett records the case of an Irish drayman who, without treatment, worked for forty-seven days after receiving a penetrating wound of the skull 1/4 inch in diameter and four inches deep. Recovery ensued in spite of the delay in treatment.
Gunshot Injuries.--Swain mentions a patient who stood before a looking glass, and, turning his head far around to the left, fired a pistol shot into his brain behind the right ear. The bullet passed into his mouth, and he spat it out. Some bleeding occurred from both the internal and external wounds; the man soon began to suffer with a troublesome cough, with bloody expectoration; his tongue was coated and drawn to the right; he became slightly deaf in his right ear and dragged his left leg in walking. These symptoms, together with those of congestion of the lung, continued for about a week, when he died, apparently from his pulmonary trouble.
Ford quotes the case of a lad of fifteen who was shot in the head, 3/4 inch anterior to the summit of the right ear, the ball escaping through the left os frontis, 1 1/4 inch above the center of the brow. Recovery ensued, with a cicatrix on the forehead, through which the pulsations of the brain could be distinctly seen. The senses were not at all deteriorated.
Richardson tells of a soldier who was struck by a Minie ball on the left temporal bone; the missile passed out through the left frontal bone 1/2 inch to the left of the middle of the forehead.
He was only stunned, and twenty- four hours later his intellect was undisturbed. There was no operation; free suppuration with discharges of fragments of skull and broken-down substance ensued for four weeks, when the wounds closed kindly, and recovery followed.
Angle records the case of a cowboy who was shot by a comrade in mistake. The ball entered the skull beneath the left mastoid process and passed out of the right eye. The man recovered.
Rice describes the case of a boy of fourteen who was shot in the head, the ball directly traversing the brain substance, some of which protruded from the wound. The boy recovered. The ball entered one inch above and in front of the right ear and made its exit through the lambdoidal suture posteriorly.
Hall of Denver, Col., in an interesting study of gunshot wounds of the brain, writes as follows:--"It is in regard to injuries involving the brain that the question of the production of immediate unconsciousness assumes the greatest interest. We may state broadly that if the medulla or the great centers at the base of the brain are wounded by a bullet, instant unconsciousness must result; with any other wounds involving the brain-substance it will, with very great probability, result. But there is a very broad area of uncertainty. Many instances have been recorded in which the entrance of a small bullet into the anterior part of the brain has not prevented the firing of a second shot on the part of the suicide. Personally, I have not observed such a case, however.
But, aside from the injuries by the smallest missiles in the anterior parts of the brain, we may speak with almost absolute certainty with regard to the production of unconsciousness, for the jar to the brain from the blow of the bullet upon the skull would produce such a result even if the damage to the brain were not sufficient to do so.