THE Moods have laid their hands across my hair:
The Moods have drawn their fingers through my heart;My hair shall never more lie smooth and bright, But stir like tide-worn sea-weed, and my heart Shall never more be glad of small sweet things,-A wild rose, or a crescent moon,-a book Of little verses, or a dancing child.
My heart turns crying from the rose and book, My heart turns crying from the thin bright moon, And weeps with useless sorrow for the child.
The Moods have loosed a wind to vex my hair, And made my heart too wise, that was a child.
Now I shall blow like smitten candle-flame:
I shall desire all things that may not be:
The years, the stars, the souls of ancient men, All tears that must, and smiles that may not be,--Yes, glimmering lights across a windy ford, And vagrant voices on a darkened plain, And holy things, and outcast things, and things, Far too remote, frail-bodied to be plain.
My pity and my joy are grown alike.
I cannot sweep the strangeness from my heart.
The Moods have laid swift hands across my hair:
The Moods have drawn swift fingers through my heart.