There was once a devout man of the children of Israel ,whose family span cotton;and he used every day to sell the yarn they span and buy fresh cottonand with the profit he bought the day's victual for his household. One dayhe went out and sold the day's yarn as usualwhen there met him one of his brethrenwho complained to him of want;so he gave him the price of the yarn and returnedempty-handedto his family,who said to him'Where is the cotton and the food?' Quoth he,'Such an one met me and complained to me of want;so I gave him the price of the yarn.' And they said'How shall we do? We have nothing to sell.' Now they had a broken platter and a jar;so he took them to the market;but none would buy them of him.
Presentlyas he stood in the marketthere came up a man with a stinkingswollen fishwhich no one would buy of himand he said to the Jew'Wilt thou sell me thine unsaleable ware for mine?'Yes,' answered the Jew and giving him the jar and plattertook the fish and carried it home to his familywho said'What shall we do with this fish?' Quoth he'We will broil it and eat of ittill it please God to provide for us.'
So they took it and ripping open its bellyfound therein a great pearl and told the Jewwho said'See if it be pierced.
If soit belongs to some one of the folk;if notit is a provision of God for us.' So they examined it and found it unpierced.
On the morrowthe Jew carried it to one of his brethrenwho was skilled in jewelsand he said'Whence hadst thou this pearl?'It was a gift of God the Most High to us,' replied the Jewand the other said'It is worth a thousand dirhemsand I will give thee that sum;but take it to such an onefor he hath more money and skill than I.' So the Jew took it to the jewellerwho said'It is worth threescore and ten thousand dirhems and no more. Then he paid him that sum and the Jew hired two porters to carry the money to his house. As he came to his doora beggar accosted himsaying'Give me of that which God the Most High hath given thee.' Quoth the Jew'But yesterdaywe were even as thou;take half the money.' So he made two parts of itand each took his half. Then said the beggar'Take back thy money and God prosper thee in it;I am a messengerwhom thy Lord hath sent to try thee.' Quoth the Jew,'To God be the praise and the thanks!' and abode with his family in all delight of lifetill death.